Sunday 17 May 2015

Hurra for 17. mai!

I'm having an early mug of cocoa while checking the news online before I head downstairs to the kitchen to set up for today's festivities. For once I have prepared most of the food in advance, but I woke up this morning with a start realising that I'd forgotten to go out and pick wildflowers yesterday evening. If I get a chance I'll dash over to the canal and pick a big bunch of cow parsley.

But for now, to all my fellow country women and men: GRATULERER MED DAGEN!

Photo: Frode Hansen, VG.
In a few hours my niece will be walking with her school in the parade through Oslo and up to the royal palace as in this photo. I remember how proud I was the first time I paraded with my class - wearing our best clothes, flags held high... it was better than my birthday. It's OUR birthday :)

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