Tuesday 31 March 2015

Ferm Living - Easter Feast

It's Holy Week... I love that term. It's not one I grew up with, I think it's probably Catholic, but it perfectly describes this week between Palm Sunday and Maundy Thursday. When I left Norway to go and live in France, and later England, I lost that sense of peace and relaxation that Easter is to Scandinavians. OK, so a lot of people cross-country ski like mad for the whole week, but it's away from the daily life, stressful work environments and humdrum routines. I think Scandis tend to take Easter Week off en masse, whereas the French and Brits soldier through until Good Friday. Living in London Easter was a huge party weekend every year, great fun but not very restful.

I want to bring back the restful, the meandering, the reading of 'påskekrim' (Easter crime novels), crossword puzzles, slow cooking and general retro relaxation. Which brings me to Ferm Living's rather gorgeous Easter Feast online magazine, which contains inspiring recipes by food blogger Katrín Björk. And then there's the homeware...


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