Tuesday, 29 December 2015

Christmas Week Ponderings

We're back home after spending most of our time with family in the past couple of weeks. It's Christmas week - romjul - that quiet week between Christmas and New Year when we suddenly have time to ourselves again. It's lovely, and this kind of quiet gets my creative juices flowing again. I keep thinking about projects I could get stuck into, and the most tantalising (and also the biggest) job would be painting our 'faux' beech kitchen units. The previous owner put in lots and lots and lots of kitchen cupboards, teaming the beech effect with a black floor, mid-blue walls, black faux marble counter-tops and darker blue wall tiles. The effect was like a cave, so we painted the walls chalky white before we moved in.

Two and a half years down the line those blue tiles and beige units have acquired no further appeal and I find myself googling how to paint kitchens in every spare moment. The only thing is, I don't want it to be a huge job. And as there are so many units to paint, it could very easily turn into a mammoth job. Especially since I would like to replace the handles, which will mean filling in the holes and drilling new ones. I really want to do this, but I don't feel confident about finishing the job... However, if I pull myself together (and manage to chose between regular satin paint and Annie Sloan - I'm tilting towards Annie, but being a Libra it's not easy to make the final decision...), then I think it might be possible to achieve something like these:

Photo: Designstoenvy, Instagram
Photo: Marcus Lawett
Photo: Hemnet.se

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