Wednesday, 16 September 2015

Skargard - Discovered at Formex

At Stockholm's Formex show in late August there was much talk about Meraki, the new toiletries line by Danish interior brand House Doctor. And yes, it looked good and will most certainly appeal to those who already have a penchant for brands like L:a Bruket and Aesop. But to be honest, it felt too samey for me. I don't quite understand the need to create a new product line that is so similar to existing offerings in the market...

Photo: Meraki

instead, my heart leapt at the sight of a small range of soaps by a tiny Swedish brand called Skargard*. I love the simple white packaging with blue print (not 'faux apothecary' as seems to be the trend), the lovely clean scent of the Havtorn soap in particular - and last but not least the 'soap on a rope' detail which reminds me of fancy soaps bought for parents at Christmas when I was little. It's all natural and it works equally well in seawater, hence the cork floater on the rope. Love it.
Photo: Pinterest
Photo: Ink361
The range includes bars of soap, liquid soap, dishwashing liquid etc.
*Skargard referring to the 'skärgård' or archipelago of islands and skerries along the coast of Bohuslän on the west coast of Sweden, where the brand originates from.

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