Friday 1 May 2015

Shopping Fatigue

I would never have thougth that this could happen to me, but I believe I have actually reached a state of shopping fatigue... having dutifully shopped my bank cards into oblivion for the past 15 years I suddenly feel weary at the prospect of aquiring more things. It's clearly time to slow down and enjoy what is already in my possession.

It hit me when I did my day trip to IKEA a couple of weeks ago. Normally I would struggle to hold back when I go there, but this time I kept leaning into my trolley to ditch items I had picked up earlier. I'd set off with a list of things I was sure I would want to buy, but in the end I just didn't.

Like this bamboo chair...
 Photo: IKEA
I found it, it had been reduced to a ridiculous £35, it was comfortable and it looked good. But as I sat in it I realised that while I had imagined placing it in the bay window of our bedroom it was highly unlikely that I would ever sit and read in it - I'm far too happy snuggling up in bed with my book of the moment. The chair would simply end up as a repository for clothes, a chairdrobe. Was I going to haul it home on the Wimbledon tram just to for that? No. Ditto most of the other things I'd lined up.

One thing I did bring back was a pair of nifty little bendable clip-on LED lights called Jansjö. They were a snip at £10 each and clip on to the headboard on the bed in our guest room. Having had to plaster and repaint the walls in this room we have really not been keen to drill holes in them so the giant clothes-pegs on these lights are perfect. And they are great for reading :)

Photo: Nordic Soul

Photo: Nordic Soul

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