Thursday 7 May 2015

Growing from Seed

This year I decided to sow a lot of new flowers for the garden. Partly to cut down costs (it is all too easy to dash off to a garden centre and spend lots of money) and partly because I wanted to try a wider selection than what is available ready grown. And so it is that since late February I have been surrounded by a myriad of seed trays and pots. Ever increasing in numbers. I'll admit that I was champing at the bit to get sowing, and probably could have waited a few weeks, but sowing seeds spells the end of winter, and I was eager to usher in spring. This year we have had a dry spring and the past few weeks have not been very warm, so I've kept my seedlings indoors while I wait for 'the right time'. But when is the right time? When the weather is perfect, or when your husband finally cracks and asks you when you're going to "move the hash farm outside"..? I mean, I'm near cracking too with all these pots covering every window sill and an entire guest bedroom. For goodness sake let there be clement weather soon!

You live and you learn. A delightful neighbour of ours, 80 years old and well versed in the art of sowing seeds, told me that one spring she had to turn down guests as she had given over her guest bedroom to her seedlings. She didn't do that again, and I think next year I'll try to rein myself in. But it's so hard when you're looking at seed catalogues.

The seedlings which I am most looking forward to finally planting out are white lavender to edge a border of pale pink roses, wild strawberries, a double pink frilled poppy and a large white snapdragon. But there will be lots more in time.

Lavender 'Ellagance Ice'
Papaver Peoniflorum 'Venus'
Anthirrhinum 'Giant White'

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