Wednesday 8 April 2015

Back to Normal

Ah... so that's Easter over and done with, and I am pleased to say that I only gained 1kg in the past 5 days, despite assiduous consumption of cake and marzipan eggs. It could have been worse, a lot worse. My hope now is that throwing myself back into gardening will burn that kilo off in a week, and I'd rather like to keep on burning so I am planning an awful lot of gardening. Yep. This garden could end up being amazing.

Kilos aside, I do love this time of year when plants seem to double in size from one day to the next. I keep scuttling around the flowerbeds with encouraging words every time I'm outside. Welcome back my pretties! And to those who perhaps didn't do so well last year I take the maternal approach: 'you didn't enjoy that spot did you? Let's find you somewhere you might enjoy better'.

My current favourites are a clutch of plum-coloured primroses which I bought from a tiny tiny nursery down the road. Someone with very green fingers who sells their plants in the minuscule front garden of their cottage (we're talking 1m x 3m at most, tiny). I imagine that they probably sow plants for themselves and sell what they have left over. What a great idea! I've got seedlings up to the hilt at the moment, as I have no idea how many will survive and I am fairly sure I'll have some left over when it's time to plant them out. Perhaps I'll have a little plant sale of my own. Perhaps something a bit like this..

...the idea is quite tempting!

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