Sunday 8 March 2015


I am quite possibly the biggest procrastinator I know... In true Norwegian style I can pull off a major 'skippertak' (a sudden all-out effort) but in general I struggle to take my wealth of ideas and turn them into reality. A case in point is what should be my office, but which is simply a dumping room. Do other people have dumping rooms? Mine is a good little room under the eaves, with plenty of light coming in through the skylights, but because I don't like the colour on the walls (magnolia - chosen by the previous owner) I imagine that I must repaint it before I can settle in. And that's my stumbling block: Before I can paint I will have to move everything I've dumped in there - and that entails sorting through and getting rid of things. I'm very much a Libra, so this means looking at each item and pondering whether I might want it in the future, or if not, whether someone else might want it (ie should I give it to a charity shop?), or should I simply throw it away? I stand there weighing up the pros and cons and before I know it hours have passed and I haven't achieved more than clearing a square foot of space.

But today - today I will clear it. I shall be bloody brutal.

And then I shall paint it in 'Slaked Lime', my favourite Little Greene colour, and once that's done the following things will be going in:

My 'Micke' desk from IKEA which has a handy drawer for my jewellery making tools and ample shelf space for lever-arch files.

Micke will be joined by 'Torbjörn', whose seat will be covered in a pink ikat fabric from Uzbekistan

I've inherited an old Anglepoise 1227 from my husband which is great for directing light onto small fiddly craft projects...

and although I have several jewellery stands for storing and displaying my designs I could still find space for this beautiful tree from West Elm

In short, it's all ready to set up, as soon as I get my act together..

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