Friday 20 March 2015

Cat Sitter - Lend Me Your Cat

 Photo source: Pinterest.
I come from a family of cat lovers. Actually no, the cat-loving runs through the female line on my mother's side. My mother, sister and I find cats absolutely irresistible and even though I never knew my maternal grandmother I know that this affection for felines comes from her. My father, though he tolerated our cats throughout my childhood, would quite openly have preferred them to be dogs - and named one of them Rover to make his point. Rover was a beautiful but rather wild rescue cat and absolutely not dog-like in any way.

I haven't had a cat for years now, my precious feline companion died before I left Nice and moved to London. I can categorically say that had she stayed alive then I wouldn't have made the move - so in a way it caused a seismic shift in my life. Obviously, living in shared rented accommodation in London it was not possible to get another cat, it was like permanently living out of a room-sized suitcase.

Then, after several years in the big smoke I met and eventually settled down with my beloved. After a while I mooted the idea of perhaps getting a cat..? The response was baffling: 'I find cats creepy, they move so silently. And I work from home, it would make me very uneasy to have a cat slinking around the house'. Pardon? Cats creepy? Never! But there it was , the non-negotiable in our relationship - no cats.

Now that we live in a small town outside London we could most definitely have a cat. But the husband still doesn't like them, so I am limited to frequenting our neighbours' cats when they wander through our garden. I have therefore decided to tentatively start a cat-sitting venture, so if you live in Weybridge and need help looking after your cat(s) feel free to get in touch. I'm available!

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